I have a vector signal tmp : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0)
I have to shift it to left or right of n bit. how can I realize this operation. I thought to concatenation operation but I didn't know how use it.
I have a vector signal tmp : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0)
I have to shift it to left or right of n bit. how can I realize this operation. I thought to concatenation operation but I didn't know how use it.
Use the ieee.numeric_std
library, and the appropriate vector type for the numbers you are working on (unsigned
or signed
Then the operators are sla
for arithmetic shifts (ie fill with sign bit on right shifts and lsb on left shifts) and sll
for logical shifts (ie fill with '0's).
You pass a parameter to the operator to define the number of bits to shift:
A <= B srl 2; -- logical shift right 2 bits
I have no idea what I was writing above (thanks to Val for pointing that out!)
Of course the correct way to shift signed
and unsigned
types is with the shift_left
and shift_right
functions defined in ieee.numeric_std
The shift and rotate operators sll
, ror
etc are for vectors of boolean
, bit
or std_ulogic
, and can have interestingly unexpected behaviour in that the arithmetic shifts duplicate the end-bit even when shifting left.
And much more history can be found here:
However, the answer to the original question is still
sig <= tmp sll number_of_bits;
There are two ways that you can achieve this. Concatenation, and shift/rotate functions.
Concatenation is the "manual" way of doing things. You specify what part of the original signal that you want to "keep" and then concatenate on data to one end or the other. For example: tmp <= tmp(14 downto 0) & '0';
Shift functions (logical, arithmetic): These are generic functions that allow you to shift or rotate a vector in many ways. The functions are: sll (shift left logical), srl (shift right logical). A logical shift inserts zeros. Arithmetric shifts (sra/sla) insert the left most or right most bit, but work in the same way as logical shift. Note that for all of these operations you specify what you want to shift (tmp), and how many times you want to perform the shift (n bits)
Rotate functions: rol (rotate left), ror (rotate right). Rotating does just that, the MSB ends up in the LSB and everything shifts left (rol) or the other way around for ror.
Here is a handy reference I found (see the first page).
Personally, I think the concatenation is the better solution. The generic implementation would be
entity shifter is
generic (
REGSIZE : integer := 8);
clk : in str_logic;
Data_in : in std_logic;
Data_out : out std_logic(REGSIZE-1 downto 0);
end shifter ;
architecture bhv of shifter is
signal shift_reg : std_logic_vector(REGSIZE-1 downto 0) := (others<='0');
process (clk) begin
if rising_edge(clk) then
shift_reg <= shift_reg(REGSIZE-2 downto 0) & Data_in;
end if;
end process;
end bhv;
Data_out <= shift_reg;
Both will implement as shift registers. If you find yourself in need of more shift registers than you are willing to spend resources on (EG dividing 1000 numbers by 4) you might consider using a BRAM to store the values and a single shift register to contain "indices" that result in the correct shift of all the numbers.
I would not suggest to use sll
or srl
with std_logic_vector.
During simulation sll
gave me 'U' value for those bits, where I expected 0's.
Use shift_left()
, shift_right()
For example:
OP1 : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal accum: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
accum <= std_logic_vector(shift_left(unsigned(accum), to_integer(unsigned(OP1))));
accum <= std_logic_vector(shift_right(unsigned(accum), to_integer(unsigned(OP1))));
This is typically done manually by choosing the appropriate bits from the vector and then appending 0s.
For example, to shift a vector 8 bits
variable tmp : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0)
tmp := x"00" & tmp(15 downto 8);
Hopefully this simple answer is useful to someone
add_Pbl <= to_stdlogicvector(to_bitvector(dato_cu(25 downto 2)) sll 1);
add_Pbl is a std_logic_vector of 24 bit
dato_cu is a std_logic_vector of 32 bit
First, you need to convert the std_logic_vector
with to_bitvector()
because sll statement works with logic 1 and 0 bits.