in my android project all of my .java view files import the R file based on the name of the current package. When I change the name of my package name in the Android Manifest (dynamically, not refactoring via Eclipse or any other IDE), I need to the references of all my java files to point to the new R file that gets generated
I am making a build script via Ant, but I am not sure what the regular expression convention would look like
The strings that need to be replaced look like this:
import com.mysite.myapp.R;
import com.sushiroll.california.R
This is what I have in my ant build script
<replaceregexp file="src/*"
replace="import ${current.package}.R"
<fileset dir="src/.">
<include name="*.java"/>
where I want to match all strings that say import
and end in .R
and replace it with import $current.package}.R
how would I word that for ant regex? the match and replace that I wrote were just guesses