I have parent-child information in a table with GroupID (TreeID.)
From this table I want to derive something like this:
The purpose of drawing a tree is for viewing only. The table has thousands of groupID/tree structures.
I am using the .NET platform.
How should I proceed?
create table parent_child (GroupID varchar(100) null,
Level varchar(100) null,
Name varchar(100) null,
ID varchar(100) null,
ParentID varchar(100) null,
Top_Parent varchar(100) null)
insert into parent_child (GroupID,Level, Name,ID,ParentID,Top_Parent) values
('1234', '4', 'James', '6712', '921', '1005'),
('1234', '3', 'Peter', '11', '206', '1005'),
('1234', '3', 'Royden', '14', '206', '1005'),
('1234', '3', 'Lila', '237', '589', '1005'),
('1234', '3', 'Julie', '921', '589', '1005'),
('1234', '2', 'Sandy', '206', '1005', '1005'),
('1234', '2', 'Tom', '589', '1005', '1005'),
('1234', '1', 'Sam', '1005', 'NA', '1005')