I have String in the following format
blah blah [user:1] ho ho [user:2] he he he
I want it to be replaced by
blah blah <a href='1'>someFunctionCall(1)</a> ho ho <a href='2'>someFunctionCall(2)</a> he he he
so two things replacement of [user:id] and a methodCall
note: I want to do it in groovy, what would be the efficient way of doing it
Groovy, baby:
def someFunctionCall = { "someFunctionCall(${it})" }
assert "blah blah [user:1] ho ho [user:2] he he he"
.replaceAll(/\[user:(\d+)]/){ all, id ->
"<a href=\"${id}\">${someFunctionCall(id)}</a>"
} == "blah blah <a href=\"1\">someFunctionCall(1)</a> ho ho <a href=\"2\">someFunctionCall(2)</a> he he he"
I don't know about groovy, but in PHP it would be :
$string = 'blah blah [user:1] ho ho [user:2] he he he';
$pattern = '/(.*)\[user:(\d+)](.*)\[user:(\d+)](.*)/';
$replacement = '${1}<a href=\'${2}\'>someFunctionCall(${2})</a>${3}<a href=\'${4}\'>someFunctionCall(${4})</a>${5}';
echo preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $string);