The %in%
operator is a wrapper for the match function returning "a vector of the same length as x". For instance:
> match(c("a", "b", "c"), c("a", "a"), nomatch = 0) > 0
When used within i
of data.table, however
(dt1 <- data.table(v1 = c("a", "b", "c"), v2 = "dt1"))
v1 v2
1: a dt1
2: b dt1
3: c dt1
(dt2 <- data.table(v1 = c("a", "a"), v2 = "dt2"))
v1 v2
1: a dt2
2: a dt2
dt1[v1 %in% dt2$v1]
v1 v2
1: a dt1
2: a dt1
duplicates are obtained. Should the expected behaviour of %in%
within i
of data.table not give the same result as
dt1[dt1$v1 %in% dt2$v1]
v1 v2
1: a dt1
i.e. without duplicates?
This was a bug in data.table
V < 1.9.5 automatic indexing that was fixed in V >= 1.9.5.
I can think of 3 possible workarounds:
Disable the auto indexing and use base R %in%
as in
options( = FALSE)
dt1[v1 %in% dt2$v1]
## v1 v2
## 1: a dt1
Use the built in %chin%
operator which both more efficient and doesn't have this bug (works only on character vectors comparison)
dt1[v1 %chin% dt2$v1]
## v1 v2
## 1: a dt1
Install the development version from Github (Close all your R sessions first and reopen just one)
install_github("Rdatatable/data.table", build_vignettes = FALSE)
dt1 <- data.table(v1 = c("a", "b", "c"), v2 = "dt1")
dt2 <- data.table(v1 = c("a", "a"), v2 = "dt2")
dt1[v1 %in% dt2$v1]
## v1 v2
## 1: a dt1