How to control page routes in the controller?

2019-05-07 20:45发布


OnsenUI is great. Fast and easy. However, there is not much documentation for controlling Onsen logic in the controller.

Like for instance, I want to do a $location.path('/newpath') inside a controller. How is done in Onsen? I tried "ons.navigator.pushPage('partials/latestjob.html');" in my controller function but doesn't work. Are we limited to ng-click in Onsen to go to another page?



In Onsen UI 1.04, you can access navigator from inside the controller as follows.


Another way is


where #navigator is the id of navigator you put on s.t.

<ons-navigator id="navigator" page="page1.html"></ons-navigator> 

This method can choose which navigator you use.

The third way is the one obtaining the navigator scope. For example,

var element = document.querySelector( ".navigator-container");
var scope = angular.element( element ).scope();

The class name .navigator-container is a built-in class name of onsen ui navigator. This goes well even in onsen ui 1.0.

adding: example of $rootScope

myapp.controller('myCtrl', function($scope, $rootScope) {
  $scope.pushPage = function(pagename) {

标签: onsen-ui