I am playing a little bit with Azure Function: Mostly I try to migrate an existing webjob to Azure Functions and now it is time for me to integrate Application Insights in one of my function.
So basically I only need one instance of the TelemetryClient
but this assumes that I am able to flush the in-memory buffer when the application stops.
I've used a TimerTrigger but it was just for testing purpose.
I've referenced the Microsoft.ApplicationInsights nuget package (from this SO post) and my run.csx
file looks like that:
using System;
using Microsoft.ApplicationInsights;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs;
public static void Run(TimerInfo myTimer, TraceWriter log)
log.Verbose($"C# Timer trigger function executed at: {DateTime.Now}");
public static class MyTimerJob
public static readonly TelemetryClient TelemetryClient;
static MyTimerJob(){
TelemetryClient = new TelemetryClient()
{ InstrumentationKey = "MyInstrumentationKey" };
// When it shutdowns, we flush the telemty client.
new WebJobsShutdownWatcher().Token.Register(() =>
This implementation is a bit tricky...
- I have a static
to ensure that I am going to reuse the same instance. - I tried using the
to detect when the host is stopping so that I can flush the TelemetryClient.
To simulate the application shutdown, I've created a "test"
app setting in the underlying web app and I modify it when I want the host to restart:
Unfortunately this does not work... I did not see any event with name "TelemetryClientFlush"
from the app insights dashboard:
So I am now wondering if there is any way to intercept when the azure function host is stopping ?