I need to pass a value from PHP to C++. I think I can do with PHP's passthru()
Then I want C++ to do something to that value and return the result to PHP.
This is the bit I can't work out, does anyone know how to pass data from C++ to PHP?
I'd rather not use an intermediate file as I am thinking this will slow things down.
You could have your c++ app send its output to stdout, then call it from PHP with backticks, e.g.
$output=`myapp $myinputparams`;
wow thanks a lot to Columbo & Paul Dixon.
Now I can run php to call c++ thn pass back value to php~ =)
Here I provide a sample cpp & php for it:
A simple program for adding up inputs:
a.cpp (a.exe):
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
int val[2];
for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { // retrieve the value from php
val[i-1] = atoi(argv[i]);
int total = val[0] + val[1]; // sum up
cout << total; // std::cout will output to php
return 0;
$a = 2;
$b = 3;
$c_output=`a.exe $a $b`; // pass in the two value to the c++ prog
echo "<pre>$c_output</pre>"; //received the sum
echo "Output: " . ($output + 1); //modify the value in php and output
Output: 6
If you need to communicate to a running C++ program, a socket connection over the localhost might be the simplest, most platform-independent and most widely supported solution for communicating between the two processes. Sockets were traditionally built to communicate over network interfaces, but I have seen them used in many cases as a method of doing a pipe. They are fairly ubiquitous and supported in most modern languages.
Here's a C guide for socket programming. for your C++ program.
This article about wrapping C++ classes in a PHP extension may help.
EDIT: all the solutions in other answers are far simpler, but less flexible. It all depends on what you need.