I've got a service calling external web service:
angular.module('myApp.services', [])
.service('autoCmpltDataSvc', function ($http) {
var innerMatch = function (data) {
return $.map(data, function (item) {
return {
fullName: item.name + (item.adminName1 ? ", " + item.adminName1 : "") + ", " + item.countryName,
shortName: item.name,
itemId: item.geonameId
this.fetchFromGeonamesDb = function (request, response, matcher) {
method: 'jsonp',
url: 'http://ws.geonames.org/searchJSON?callback=JSON_CALLBACK',
params: {
featureClass: "P",
style: "full",
maxRows: 12,
name_startsWith: request.destName
}).success(function (data, status) {
response($.map(innerMatch(data.geonames), matcher));
I'm trying to test that it correctly forms the output, so I mock the call to real web service. Here is my unit-test.
describe('Services', function () {
describe('autoCompleteService', function () {
var $httpBackend, svc;
var results = [];
var matcher = function (item) {
return item;
var response = function (arr) {
results = arr;
beforeEach(inject(function ($injector, autoCmpltDataSvc) {
svc = autoCmpltDataSvc;
$httpBackend = $injector.get('$httpBackend');
{ name: 'City1', adminName1: 'Region1', countryName: 'Country1', geonameId: 1 },
{ name: 'City2', countryName: 'Country2', geonameId: 2}]);
afterEach(function () {
it('should return values', function () {
svc.fetchFromGeonamesDb({ 'destName': 'fra' }, response, matcher);
But the test produces an error.
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at Function.v.extend.map (C:/Users/kmukhort/Documents/_files/TMate/A
at innerMatch (C:/Users/kmukhort/Documents/_files/TMate/AngularTest/
I suppose it's something wrong with mock respond, as it seems it doesn't return the array. But I can't understand why it doesn't return the array.
Thanks in advance!