I have one HTML Table... This HTML table's first row is a static, when they click one (+) button means, the rows will added dynamically, the user want to delete one row means, he click one(-) button means current row is delete.
Each row have 4 text-boxes. My Jquery code is give below..
var FirstName;
var LastName;
var Email;
var PhoneNumber;
$("#tableId tr").find('fieldset').each(function (i) {
FirstName =FirstName +','+ $("#txtFirstName" + (i + 1) + "").val();
LastName =LastName +','+ $("#txtLastName" + (i + 1) + "").val();
Email =Email +','+ $("#txtEmail" + (i + 1) + "").val();
PhoneNumber = PhoneNumber+','+ $("#txtPhoneNumber" + (i + 1) + "").val();
I set the text-boxes id's are dynamically,its working fine, but when the user delete one row means i cant get the text-boxes value based on Id.
How do i get the text-boxes values ?
I'm using the index to access the four text fields. Also added the $fieldset as a context.
$("#tableId").find('tr fieldset').each(function (i) {
var $fieldset = $(this);
FirstName =FirstName +','+ $('input:text:eq(0)', $fieldset).val();
LastName =LastName +','+ $('input:text:eq(1)', $fieldset).val();
Email =Email +','+ $('input:text:eq(2)', $fieldset).val();
PhoneNumber = PhoneNumber+','+ $('input:text:eq(3)', $fieldset).val();
assuming that your table somewhat looks like this:
<input type="text" class="firstName" value="foo1">
<input type="text" class="lastName" value="ba1r">
<input type="text" class="firstName" value="foo2">
<input type="text" class="lastName" value="bar2">
here's a snippet that might work (may need to be modified to your needs)
$(function() {
var data = {
firstName : [], lastName : []
//loop through the tr's
$('table tr').each(function() {
//look for the fields firstName and lastName in the tr
//get their values and push into storage
data.firstName.push($('.firstName', this).val());
data.lastName.push($('.lastName', this).val());
//view the data in the console
//if you prefer the comma separated data
var firstName = data.firstName.join(',');
var lastName = data.lastName.join(',');
try to get value using like this
inside the loop will give you a handle on the current element
The ideal solution to this is to allow you to get the rows by id even if a row is deleted. Do this by updating the id of the rows every time a row gets deleted.
You could use a selector like:
Or apply a specific class
to the textboxes
which one you want and search for that.