Hello there I'm trying to get a date in ASP to show up in a particular format (yyyymmdd). This is what I've tried so far but no luck. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
<td><b>Call Date</b></td>
<% for i = -6 to 0 %>
<td align=center>
<a href="20a.asp?cldate=<% response.write(DateTime.Date()+i.ToString("yyyyMMdd")) %>" target="_blank">X</a>
<% Next %>
You can make use of the following functions:
Year(Now) '' Year in 4 digits
Month(Now) '' Month without leading zero
Day(Now) '' Day of the month without leading zero
DateAdd("d", <numofdays>, Now) '' add a number of days to your date
Read more about these (and other date functions) functions here.
If you need to add a leading zero:
function addLeadingZero(value)
addLeadingZero = value
if value < 10 then
addLeadingZero = "0" & value
end if
end function
An example of your case would be:
Dim today, myDate
today = Now
for i = -6 to 0
myDate = DateAdd("d", i, today)
response.write "<a href=""20a.asp?cldate=" & Year(myDate) & addLeadingZero(Month(myDate)) & addLeadingZero(Day(myDate)) & """ target=""_blank"">X</a>"
Sorry to dig this up, but it might be of help to some people. Rather than the "If<10 then add leading zero" logic, I often use the right command and always add a leading zero...
response.write "<a href=""20a.asp?cldate=" & Year(myDate) & Right("0" & Month(myDate), 2) & right("0" & Day(myDate), 2) & """ target=""_blank"">X</a>"
..This way, you don't need a separate function, and it can be done on one line. I can't speak for the efficiency of it, but it seems logical.
ASP gets the date from the OS not from the Database, a common error, but it is solved by use:
' Date dd/mm/yyyy
Session.lcid=2057 '= UK English
I hope it helps people.
You can try. 100% tested!
mm = Month(now())
dd = Day(now())
yy = Year(now())
IF len(mm) = 1 THEN
mm = "0" & mm
IF len(dd) = 1 THEN
dd = "0" & dd
response.write(yy & "/" & mm & "/" & dd)
<%= DatePart("yyyy", Now) & "/" & DatePart("m", Now) & "/" & DatePart("d", Now) %>
Also refer
Mid(date(), 7,4) & "-" & Mid(date(), 4,2) & "-" & Left(date(), 2)