Error use unresolved identifier GMSPlacePickerConfig & GooglePlacePicker? (Google Places 2.0)
import GoogleMaps
import GooglePlaces
are already declared on top.
Error use unresolved identifier GMSPlacePickerConfig & GooglePlacePicker? (Google Places 2.0)
import GoogleMaps
import GooglePlaces
are already declared on top.
Now, google has broken it into multiple frameworks. You need to add a new pod 'GooglePlacePicker'.
I don't see any error on your code based on this sample code. If you are using cocoapod
, you need to add pod 'GooglePlaces'. Error Use of unresolved identifier usually occurs when your new class has a different Target(s) from the other one. You can check it in this SO question. It might have a testing target and the other doesn't. You have to include all of your classes in the testing target or none of them. Also, here is a related answer in SO question which might help.