I'm trying to replace the nsICertificateDialogs
dialog with my own implementation. I already have an extension that handles smime mails from webmail. I want to be able to use the Mozilla cert store with my extension. The only possibility I've found to export smime certs/keys (to use it in my extension) is via exporting a pfx file.
I unregistered the original certifica tedialog and registered mine as described here Failure while calling nsIX509CertDB.nsIX509CertDB from command line (unregister the old factory and register mine with the correct contractID). When I call Cc[@mozilla.org/nsCertificateDialogs;1].getService(Ci.nsICertificateDialogs);
my class gets instantiated. When calling certDB.importPKCS12File(null, certfile)
and my dialog class is not instantiated.
What is the difference when FF instantiates the certificate dialog. How can I test it? What am I missing?
edit: my certificate dialog class does not get instanciated by ff - even when called with a valid token certDB.importPKCS12File(token, certfile); In change calling var certdialogInterface = Cc[sMimeCertificateDialog.mozillaContractID] .getService(Ci.nsICertificateDialogs); correctly instanciates my class (followed by some QueryInterface calls)
edit: I uploaded a (hopefully) simple reproducer to http://www.sodgeit.de/dialog_reproducer.zip Look at src/chrome/components/smime_certificate_dialog.js and at src/tests/smime_certificate_dialog_test.js