Estimote Nearables

2019-05-07 10:18发布



I am trying to find the proximity of a nearable. I am constructing a switch statement to check if its near, intermidetate, far etc. I am working in Swift.

I have ranged my nearable and I am in a delegate method :

 func nearableManager(manager: ESTNearableManager!, didRangeNearable nearable: ESTNearable!) {
    self.nearable = nearable

When I try and get Zone it doesn't find it, so is not found - I don't know what is wrong. Any ideas ?


I had the same problem. Here is my SO question

Seems like Swift compiler doesn't want to use zone method as for some reason it assumes that you want to call zone method from NSObject, which returns NSZone * struct and can not be used in ARC environment.

I fixed this problem with introducing a category with one new method which returns value from the old one.

I Added this category to Bridging Header. It worked fine.

#import <EstimoteSDK/EstimoteSDK.h>

@interface ESTNearable (Ex)

/// Solving the compiler problem that "zone" method is unavailable in Swift
@property (readonly) ESTNearableZone nearableZone;


// Implementation

@implementation ESTNearable (Ex)

- (ESTNearableZone)nearableZone


After that I just used nearableZone method in Swift

var zone = someNearable.nearableZone