I'm having a ton of issues with Devise, using OmniAuth, to authenticate my Rails app. I relaunch my server and open up a new tab in Incognito mode (so that the cookies are cleared) and load my app. I log in, and then go through to the app.
When I get to a page that calls an authenticated action via AJAX, it asks for a username and password via HTTP Basic Authentication. I've disabled this in my devise.rb.
config.http_authenticatable = false
config.http_authenticatable_on_xhr = false
When I then go back to a previous page, it redirects me to the login page and asks for a login. This also happens when I visit a page that doesn't require authentication and then go back to an authenticated page.
This is getting immensely frustrating. I've unpacked Devise and Warden to my vendor/gems directory so that I can try to debug it, but I honestly can't figure out where to begin. Any help would be hugely appreciated.