I'm trying to verify PDF's digital signatures.
I know that when a PDF is signed, a byterange is defined, the certificates get embedded, and from what i've read, the signed message digest and the timestamp are also stored in the PDF.
I already can extract the certificates and validate them. Now I'm trying to validate the pdf's integrity and my problem is I don't know where the signed message digest is located.
In this sample signed pdf from Adobe (http://blogs.adobe.com/security/SampleSignedPDFDocument.pdf), i can clearly identify the digest since it is down below the embedded certificates: /DigestMethod/MD5/DigestValue/ (line 1520).
But that PDF sample seems to be from 2009, and I suspect the message digest is stored in a different way now, because I signed a PDF with Adobe Reader and also with iText, and I can't find any message digest field like the previous one. Can someone tell if the digests are now stored in a different way? Where are they located?
Anyway, for now I'm using that sample document from Adobe, and trying to verify its integrity. I'm getting the document's bytes to be signed acording to the specified byterange, and digesting them with MD5 algorithm, but the digest value I get doesn't match with the one from the message digest field... Am I doing something wrong? Is the digest also signed with the signer's private key?
I appreciate any help.