GRAV subnavigation

2019-05-07 07:20发布


I try to make my first site with GRAV CMS. Now in my pages-folder it looks like this:

  • home/
  • about
  • about/seite1/
  • about/seite2/

Now, if i put the following code into my html-file, only the main points are showed in the navigation.

<nav class="" role="navigation">        
    <div class="">
        <ol class="">
            {% for page in pages.children %}
            {% if page.visible %}
            {% set current_page = ( or page.activeChild) ? 'active' : '' %}
            <li class="{{ current_page }}"><a href="{{ page.url }}">{{ }}</a</li>
            {% endif %}
            {% endfor %}                

Is there a way to show all the pages, including subpages in the navigation?

thanks for your answer...


This should give you the fist level of children (subpages) in your navigation:

<nav class="" role="navigation">        
    <div class="">
        <ol class="">
            {% for page in pages.children %}
                {% if page.visible %}
                    {% set current_page = ( or page.activeChild) ? 'active' : '' %}
                    <li class="{{ current_page }}"><a href="{{ page.url }}">{{ }}</a></li>
                    {% if page.children %}
                        <ol class="">
                        {% for child in page.children %}
                            {% if child.visible %}
                                <li class="{{ current_page }}"><a href="{{ child.url }}">{{ }}</a></li>
                            {% endif %}
                        {% endfor %}
                    {% endif %}
                {% endif %}
            {% endfor %}                