Is there any chance to scroll in the UICollectionView to the wanted item using . scrollToItemAtIndexPath and snap not to the item itself, but to the page the item is part of? (I got paging enabled.)
Is there any chance to scroll in the UICollectionView to the wanted item using . scrollToItemAtIndexPath and snap not to the item itself, but to the page the item is part of? (I got paging enabled.)
You need to create NSIndexPath
than scroll to that index.
//Mark: - Move to cell when view did appear
overload viewDidAppear() {
let scrollIndex: NSIndexPath = NSIndexPath(forItem: dayIndex, inSection: monthSection)
if (// Check you are in range of UIcollectionView's count) {
//Scroll collectionview according to your requirement i.e UICollectionViewScrollPositionCenteredHorizontally or UICollectionViewScrollPosition.Left
self.YourCollectionView.scrollToItemAtIndexPath(scrollIndex, atScrollPosition: UICollectionViewScrollPositionCenteredHorizontally, animated: true)
I did end up using offsetContent property;
I knew the width of every so called page.
I also tried using .scrollRectToVisible and the offset, and it worked amazingly, but I also wanted to updated something that was based on the contentOffset of the UICollectionView, and the .scrollRectToVisible seems not to update this property - it was updated only after I dragged the view a little.
Thanks for all your help!