I am developing an Android app in which I am retrieving an image from a server and show it in an image view using Picasso. Some image URLs don't work even though I can test them successfully in a browser.
For example this URL works correctly:
But this one fails:
http://www.tonightfootballreport.com/\Filebucket\Picture\image\png\20160807025619_Serie A.png
The difference appears to be that the failing URL contains a space. What do I need to do to make this work?
String temp = "http://www.tonightfootballreport.com/\Filebucket\Picture\image\png\20160807025619_Serie A.png";
temp = temp.replaceAll(" ", "%20");
URL sourceUrl = new URL(temp);
Encode the URL,
String url = "http://www.tonightfootballreport.com/Filebucket/Picture/image/png/20160807025619_Serie A.png";
String encodedUrl = URLEncoder.encode(url, "utf-8");
EDIT #1 :
The problem with above method as @Wai Yan Hein, pointed is that it encode all the characters in the url including the protocol.
The following code solves that issue,
String urlStr = "http://www.tonightfootballreport.com/Filebucket/Picture/image/png/20160807025619_Serie A.png";
URL url = new URL(urlStr);
URI uri = new URI(url.getProtocol(), url.getUserInfo(), url.getHost(), url.getPort(), url.getPath(), url.getQuery(), url.getRef());
url = uri.toURL();
Edit #2
Alternate solution using Uri.parse
String urlStr = "http://www.tonightfootballreport.com/Filebucket/Picture/image/png/20160807025619_Serie A.png";
String url = Uri.parse(urlStr)
Check if the URL is indeed valid and if not try encoding it,
URLEncoder.encode(url, "utf-8");
//Now load via Picasso
//Proceed with loading via picasso