I have a (large) list with male and female agentes.
I want to apply different functions to each.
How can I use Pool in such a case? Given that the agents are independent of each other.
An example would be:
males = ['a', 'b', 'c']
females = ['d', 'e', 'f']
for m in males:
for f in females:
I started like that:
from multiprocessing import Pool
p = Pool(processes=2)
p.map() # Here is the problem
I would like to have something like:
p.ZIP(func_f for f in females, func_m for m in males) # pseudocode
This is possible to launch the computation asynchronously using map_async
. This launches all the job needed and you can then collect them in a single list using the get
method on the results.
from multiprocessing import Pool
pool = Pool(4)
res_male = pool.map_async(func_m, males)
res_females = pool.map_async(fun_f, females)
res = res_male.get()
You could also look to the more modern concurrent.futures
API which is more intuitive for this kind of computations.
Not a great answer, but the first thing that came to mind:
import itertools
f = lambda t: func_m(t[0]) if t[1] else func_f(t[0])
p.map(f, itertools.chain(((0,x) for x in females), ((1,x) for x in males)))