Is there a way to extend templates like in Django? My base template has a header that only needs to be a few pages. I'd like to change that for the the other templates.
Something similar to
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% endblock %}
I'm using Ember.js.
As far as i know this notation does not exist, also i haven't seen the concept of inheritance on handlebars templates layer.
However, i can think of two ways to achieve what you want,
1. using the {{partial}}
The {{partial}}
helper can render the header part and it can be included only on those templates of the pages that require the header.
2. using layouts
Have two layouts one with the header and another without it, then specify on the pages/views that need the header the corresponding layout using the layoutName
I was looking for the same as I come from the same Django background. Here I've found exactly what you are looking for. It uses another module from npm
called Handlebar-layouts. which is really useful.