I need to update a SQLite table.
The table looks like:
ID | Address | CallNumber | RefID
ef78 | library | 2002/13 | 100002
no56 | Lit | 0189 | 100003
rs90 | temp | | 100003
For every column with Address = "Lit" there is a column Address = 'temp' with the same RefID. Now I need to update each Address = "temp" with the value "CallNumber" from the column with the same RefID.
The updated table should look like:
ID | Address | CallNumber | RefID
ef78 | library | 2002/13 | 100002
no56 | Lit | 0189 | 100003
rs90 | 0189 | | 100003
I tried this:
UPDATE Location
SET address = foo.callnumber
FROM (select RefID, CallNumber FROM Location) foo
WHERE foo.RefID=Location.RefID AND Location.Address = 'temp';
But all I got is a syntax error near "from".
Any clue?