I have created a banner for Adwords, using HTML5 with a form element, which accepts few inputs, like your preffered color, type, etc. The whole banner is not clickable, only the submit button, which I achieved by adding "onclick="ExitApi.exit()"" to the button.
All of this works fine, but now my question is, how flexible is this ExitApi?
Whenever I click the submit button, I want to append the generated parameters to the final url, which is set through AdWords.
Using the adwords preview I can see that during the redirect the last parameter is 'adurl' which contains my final destination. Editing this manually and just typing in the parameters helps me achieve what I want, but how would I be able to append using the ExitApi js library, if that's even possible?
I also tried using a CTA through GWD using something like 'gwd.actions.gwdDoubleclick.exitOverride('gwd-ad', 'clickTag', 'http://example.com/index.php?some=var'+params, true, true);'
, which hasn't worked and is also limiting as it forces the developer to set the url through the banner.
Any ideas are appreciated!
Thanks, Edvinas