If this is too complicated or not the right way to do things, feel free to link me to something else or just tell me I should do it another way...
Basically, I'm working on a project where there are Clients, and each one has an arbitrary number of Websites attached to it. So the Websites model has a ForeignKey to the Client model. The Website admin page is pretty in-depth, and each Client might have 10 or more sites, so I'd rather not have them all display as inlines, because that's really messy and crazy looking.
What I'd like is that when you go to the admin panel and click Clients, you're brought to the change page where it has the basic stuff you'd edit for the client and then an inline of actual links to each of the client's website admin pages. Like this:
Change client
Link to edit Website 1
Link to edit Website 2
Link to edit Website 3
Link to edit Website 4
Link to edit Website 5