I'm using a custom object extended from fabric.Image
in my canvas, as suggested in this answer. When I retrieve the json string from the server, I get odd errors when attempting to load it to the canvas:
var canvas = new fabric.Canvsd();
function loadCanvas(resp) {
// response object contains a data field
// that's essentialy a JSON string
var json = JSON.parse(resp.data);
I get an odd printout to the console: Cannot call method 'setupState' of undefined (fabric.min.js: 1118)
. I tried replacing the call with canvas.loadFromJSON(json)
, and instead got a vague SyntaxError: Unexpected token o
error. When I used a regular fabric.Image
before the change suggested in the linked thread, this code worked fine. I fear this might be something I'm missing when I extended favric's Image class with aditional data. Thoughts?