How can i stop the host machine entering standby
mode while my application is running?
Is there any win32 api
call to do this?
How can i stop the host machine entering standby
mode while my application is running?
Is there any win32 api
call to do this?
There are two APIs, depending on what version of Windows.
XP,2000, 2003:
Vista, 2008:
There could be many valid reasons to prevent the computer from going to sleep. For example, watching a video, playing music, compiling a long running build, downloading large files, etc.
This article provides a demo of how to do this from C++ (thought he article is framed as if you want to do it from Java, and provides a Java wrapper).
The actual code in in a zip file at and the C++ part of it is under com/ha/common/windows/standbydetector.
Hopefully it will give you enough of a direction to get started.