I make some circles in JS
as follow:
[46.765735535841024, 23.58344078063965], 5, {
color: "blue"
}).addTo(map).bindPopup("Description: This is my description");
I want to replace that bindPopup
with a function. When I click the circle, instead of my description display, I want to run a function, for example I made this function:
function circleClick() {
// my implementations;
Would someone tell me how could I do this possible?
Simply assign your circleClick
function as listener on each of your circles:
[46.765735535841024, 23.58344078063965], 5, {
color: "blue"
).addTo(map).on("click", circleClick);
// more L.circle's...
function circleClick(e) {
var clickedCircle = e.target;
// do something, like:
clickedCircle.bindPopup("some content").openPopup();
Alternatively, you can gather all your circles within a Feature Group, and attach the event listener to that group only:
var group = L.featureGroup().addTo(map);
[46.765735535841024, 23.58344078063965], 5, {
color: "blue"
// more L.circle's...
group.on("click", function (e) {
var clickedCircle = e.layer; // e.target is the group itself.
// do something, like:
clickedCircle.bindPopup("some content").openPopup();
You just need to assign the circle to a variable and then listen to click event.
var circle = L.circle(...).addTo(map);
circle.on('click', function (e) {
alert("Hello, circle!");