Logarithm for BigInteger

2019-01-09 09:01发布


I have a BigInteger number, for example beyond 264. Now i want to calculate the logarithm of that BigInteger number, but the method BigInteger.log() does not exist. How do I calculate the (natural) logarithm of my large BigInteger value?


If you want to support arbitrarily big integers, it's not safe to just do


because this would fail if the argument exceeds the double range (about 2^1024 or 10^308, i.e. more than 300 decimal digits ).

Here's my own class that provides the methods

double logBigInteger(BigInteger val);
double logBigDecimal(BigDecimal val);
BigDecimal expBig(double exponent);
BigDecimal powBig(double a, double b);

They work safely even when the BigDecimal/BigInteger are too big (or too small) to be representable as a double type.

 * Provides some mathematical operations on BigDecimal and BigInteger
public class BigMath {

    protected static final double LOG2 = Math.log(2.0);
    protected static final double LOG10 = Math.log(10.0);

    // numbers greater than 10^MAX_DIGITS_10 or e^MAX_DIGITS_EXP are considered unsafe ('too big') for floating point operations
    protected static final int MAX_DIGITS_EXP = 677;
    protected static final int MAX_DIGITS_10 = 294; // ~ MAX_DIGITS_EXP/LN(10)
    protected static final int MAX_DIGITS_2 = 977; // ~ MAX_DIGITS_EXP/LN(2)

     * Computes the natural logarithm of a BigInteger. 
     * Works for really big integers (practically unlimited), even when the argument 
     * falls outside the <tt>double</tt> range
     * Returns Nan if argument is negative, NEGATIVE_INFINITY if zero.
     * @param val Argument
     * @return Natural logarithm, as in <tt>Math.log()</tt>
    public static double logBigInteger(BigInteger val) {
        if (val.signum() < 1)
            return val.signum() < 0 ? Double.NaN : Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
        int blex = val.bitLength() - MAX_DIGITS_2; // any value in 60..1023 works ok here
        if (blex > 0)
            val = val.shiftRight(blex);
        double res = Math.log(val.doubleValue());
        return blex > 0 ? res + blex * LOG2 : res;

     * Computes the natural logarithm of a BigDecimal. 
     * Works for really big (or really small) arguments, even outside the double range.
     * Returns Nan if argument is negative, NEGATIVE_INFINITY if zero.
     * @param val Argument
     * @return Natural logarithm, as in <tt>Math.log()</tt>
    public static double logBigDecimal(BigDecimal val) {
        if (val.signum() < 1)
            return val.signum() < 0 ? Double.NaN : Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
        int digits = val.precision() - val.scale(); 
        if (digits < MAX_DIGITS_10 && digits > -MAX_DIGITS_10)
            return Math.log(val.doubleValue());
            return logBigInteger(val.unscaledValue()) - val.scale() * LOG10;

     * Computes the exponential function, returning a BigDecimal (precision ~ 16).
     * Works for very big and very small exponents, even when the result 
     * falls outside the double range
     * @param exponent Any finite value (infinite or Nan throws IllegalArgumentException)
     * @return The value of e (base of the natural logarithms) raised to the given exponent, as in <tt>Math.exp()</tt>
    public static BigDecimal expBig(double exponent) {
        if (!Double.isFinite(exponent))
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Infinite not accepted: " + exponent);
        // e^b = e^(b2+c) = e^b2 2^t with e^c = 2^t 
        double bc = MAX_DIGITS_EXP;
        if (exponent < bc && exponent > -bc)
            return new BigDecimal(Math.exp(exponent), MathContext.DECIMAL64);
        boolean neg = false;
        if (exponent < 0) {
            neg = true;
            exponent = -exponent;
        double b2 = bc;
        double c = exponent - bc;
        int t = (int) Math.ceil(c / LOG10);
        c = t * LOG10;
        b2 = exponent - c;
        if (neg) {
            b2 = -b2;
            t = -t;
        return new BigDecimal(Math.exp(b2), MathContext.DECIMAL64).movePointRight(t);

     * Same as Math.pow(a,b) but returns a BigDecimal (precision ~ 16). 
     * Works even for outputs that fall outside the <tt>double</tt> range
     * The only limit is that b * log(a) does not overflow the double range 
     * @param a Base. Should be non-negative 
     * @param b Exponent. Should be finite (and non-negative if base is zero)
     * @return Returns the value of the first argument raised to the power of the second argument.
    public static BigDecimal powBig(double a, double b) {
        if (!(Double.isFinite(a) && Double.isFinite(b)))
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(Double.isFinite(b) ? "base not finite: a=" + a : "exponent not finite: b=" + b);
        if (b == 0)
            return BigDecimal.ONE;
        if (b == 1)
            return BigDecimal.valueOf(a);
        if (a == 0) {
            if (b >= 0)
                return BigDecimal.ZERO;
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("0**negative = infinite");
        if (a < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("negative base a=" + a);
        double x = b * Math.log(a);
        if (Math.abs(x) < MAX_DIGITS_EXP)
            return BigDecimal.valueOf(Math.pow(a, b));
            return expBig(x);



I had some help from google but apparently you don't need to apply log to your very big BigInteger numbers directly, since it can be broken down in the following way:

928 = 1000 * 0.928
lg 928 = lg 1000 * lg 0.928 = 3 + lg 0.928

Your problem is therefore reduced to the computation/approximation of logarithms that allow for arbitrary increasing precision, maybe math.stackexchange.com?


Convert it into a BigDecimal liek this:

new BigDecimal(val); // where val is a BigInteger  

and call log from BigDecimalUtils on it :D


How accurate do you need it to be? If you only need 15 digits of accuracy you can do

BigInteger bi =
double log = Math.log(bi.doubleValue());

This would work for values up to 1023 bits. After that the value would not fit into a double anymore.


If you can use Google Guava, and only require base 2 or base 10 log, you can use methods from Guava's BigIntegerMath class.