I was wondering if it was possible to change the fonts on about 100 different viewcontrollers all at once? It would be a lot eisier than going through one by one and changing them. Any ideas? Thank you!
The user interface files (*.xib) are plain text and you can load them into an editor.
In Xcode4 on the left pane you can right-click > open as > source.
This will give you the XML source any you can find/replace there.
Warning: doing something wrong may render the whole file useless, so unless you have source control anyway, make copies of the XIB before attempting changes.
you cant change all the fonts at once....
But i have find one more varient that will help you...
I have made some recursive functions thy can help you..
follow following steps..
First create a class(BaseViewController
) extended from UIViewController
like in BaseViewController.h
@interface BaseViewController : UIViewController
And in BaseViewController.m
file write following code.
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
[self changeFontsOfViewController];
UIViewController * vv = [self viewControllerOfView:self.view];
NSArray *objects = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:NSStringFromClass([vv class]) owner:vv options:nil];
for (id object in objects)
[self changeFontOfView:object];
-(void)changeFontOfView:(UIView *)aView
for (UIView *vv in [aView subviews])
if ([vv isKindOfClass:[UIButton class]])
UIButton *btn = (UIButton *)vv;
CGFloat fontSize = btn.titleLabel.font.pointSize;
btn.titleLabel.font = [UIFont fontWithName:@"Helvetica-Bold" size:fontSize];
else if ([vv isKindOfClass:[UILabel class]])
UILabel *lbl = (UILabel *)vv;
CGFloat fontSize = lbl.font.pointSize;
[lbl setFont:[UIFont fontWithName:@"Helvetica-Bold" size:fontSize]];
else if ([vv isKindOfClass:[UITextView class]])
UITextView *txt = (UITextView *)vv;
CGFloat fontSize = txt.font.pointSize;
[txt setFont:[UIFont fontWithName:@"Helvetica-Bold" size:fontSize]];
else if ([vv isKindOfClass:[UITextField class]])
UITextField *txt = (UITextField *)vv;
CGFloat fontSize = txt.font.pointSize;
[txt setFont:[UIFont fontWithName:@"Helvetica-Bold" size:fontSize]];
else if ([vv isKindOfClass:[UIView class]]||[vv isKindOfClass:[UIScrollView class]])
if (aView.subviews.count == 0)return;
[self changeFontOfView:vv];
Now your every viewController(RootViewController) will be extended from BaseViewController class like in RootViewController.h
#import "BaseViewController.h"
@interface RootViewController : BaseViewController
And make sure that you have written following in your .m
file of your UIViewController
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
Please follow above steps carefully you will rock.......
How about this little recursive method on UIView?
@implementation UIView (JPCSetFont)
- (void)jpc_setAllFonts:(UIFont *)font
if ([self respondsToSelector:@selector(setFont:)]) {
UIFont *oldFont = [self valueForKey:@"font"];
UIFont *newFont = [font fontWithSize:oldFont.pointSize];
[self setValue:newFont forKey:@"font"];
for (UIView *subview in self.subviews) {
[subview jpc_setAllFonts:font];
Code by John Cromartie is a good stuff. Simple and laconic.
Just keep in mind some fonts are bold or italic. So you probably have to pass 2 (or 3) params: for regular font (as it is now), for bold font and for the italic one. Besides you have to detect if the current font is bold, etc. So there is a bit enhanced piece of code below.
However, it can work wrong on iOS7 because user can set his own fonts and, as a result, weight / style detection won't work properly.
@implementation UIView (JPCSetFont)
- (void)jpc_setAllFonts:(UIFont*)regular bold:(UIFont*)bold
if ([self respondsToSelector:@selector(setFont:)]) {
UIFont *oldFont = [self valueForKey:@"font"];
UIFont *newFont;
// for iOS6
NSRange isBold = [[oldFont fontName] rangeOfString:@"Bold" options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch];
// for iOS7 (is device owner didn't change it!)
NSRange isMedium = [[oldFont fontName] rangeOfString:@"MediumP4" options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch];
if (isBold.location==NSNotFound && isMedium.location==NSNotFound) {
newFont = [regular fontWithSize:oldFont.pointSize];
} else {
newFont = [bold fontWithSize:oldFont.pointSize];
// TODO: there are italic fonts also though
[self setValue:newFont forKey:@"font"];
for (UIView *subview in self.subviews) {
[subview jpc_setAllFonts:regular bold:bold];
https://github.com/iutinvg/ZZLib/blob/master/ZZLib/UIView%2BZZFontSetter.h https://github.com/iutinvg/ZZLib/blob/master/ZZLib/UIView%2BZZFontSetter.m