
Build Boost 1.45 using MinGW

2019-05-06 12:40发布


Try to compile Boost 1.45 on Windows XP using MinGW. I did it a year ago and almost forgot how to repeat it.

%PATH% contains MinGW path.
user-config.jam contains using gcc ;
bjam (the ntx86 one) from here.


<path> > bjam --build-dir="E:\Boost" --build-type=complete toolset=gcc stage

<path>/tools/build/v2/build\configure.jam:145: in builds-raw
*** argument error
* rule UPDATE_NOW ( targets * : log ? : ignore-minus-n ? )
* called with: ( <pbin.v2\libs\regex\build\gcc-mingw-4.4.1\debug>has_icu.exe :  : ignore-minus-n : ignore-minus-q )
* extra argument ignore-minus-q
(builtin):see definition of rule 'UPDATE_NOW' being called
<path>/tools/build/v2/build\configure.jam:179: in configure.builds
<path>/tools/build/v2/build\configure.jam:216: in object(check-target-builds-worker)@409.check


To build bjam using MinGW use:

bootstrap.bat mingw

This compiled version of bjam worked for me.


The easiest way to build boost with MinGW is to use MSYS. Follow the instructions on this page to setup MSYS and mount the boost directory:


Then just issue your bjam command as usual from within MSYS.


BJam is included within the Boost release in \tools\build\v2\engine\src. Don't make the mistake I did and try to use the separate download of BJam - that doesn't work.


After a lot of research, I got it to work and wrote up a step by step tutorial here:


I hope this helps.


Downloaded previous release of Boost - 1.44. The same bjam (3.1.18-1-ntx86) with Boost 1.44 works just great.


./bootstrap.sh --with-toolset=mingw --prefix=/pathtomingw

worked for me