varbinary to varchar w/o master.dbo.fn_varbintohex

2019-05-06 12:28发布


Is there any way to convert varbinary to ASCII varchar string (base64, md5, sha1 - no matter) without master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr function on MS SQL Server 2005? Because it can't be used inside of computed column.

CONVERT and CAST return non-ASCII strings.

Thank you,



For md5 and sha1 you can use hashbytes. To get base64 you can create a udf that does the conversion and use that in your computed column.

Function BinToBase64:

create function BinToBase64(@Bin varbinary(max)) returns varchar(max) as
  return CAST(N'' AS XML).value('xs:base64Binary(xs:hexBinary(sql:variable("@Bin")))', 'VARCHAR(MAX)')

Function BinToHexString:

create function BinToHexString(@Bin varbinary(max)) returns varchar(max) as
  return '0x' + cast('' as xml).value('xs:hexBinary(sql:variable("@Bin") )', 'varchar(max)'); 

Use like this:

create table TestTable 
  Col1 varbinary(max), 
  Col2 as dbo.BinToHexString(hashbytes('MD5', Col1)),
  Col3 as dbo.BinToHexString(hashbytes('SHA1', Col1)),
  Col4 as dbo.BinToBase64(Col1),
insert into TestTable values (12345)

select *
from TestTable

Unique constraint varbinary column using hashbytes and an uniqueidentifier column

create table TestTable 
  ID uniqueidentifier default(newid()),
  Col1 varbinary(max), 
  Col2 as coalesce(hashbytes('MD5', Col1), cast(ID as varbinary(8000))) persisted

create unique index IX_TestTable_Col2 on TestTable(Col2)