max(float('nan'), 1)
evaluates to nan
max(1, float('nan'))
evaluates to 1
Is it the intended behavior?
Thanks for the answers.
raises an exception when the iterable is empty. Why wouldn't Python's max
raise an exception when nan
is present? Or at least do something useful, like return nan
or ignore nan
. The current behavior is very unsafe and seems completely unreasonable.
I found an even more surprising consequence of this behavior, so I just posted a related question.
In [19]: 1>float('nan')
Out[19]: False
In [20]: float('nan')>1
Out[20]: False
The float nan
is neither bigger nor smaller than the integer 1
starts by choosing the first element, and only replaces it when it finds an element which is strictly larger.
In [31]: max(1,float('nan'))
Out[31]: 1
Since nan
is not larger than 1, 1 is returned.
In [32]: max(float('nan'),1)
Out[32]: nan
Since 1 is not larger than nan
, nan
is returned.
PS. Note that np.max
treats float('nan')
In [36]: import numpy as np
In [91]: np.max([1,float('nan')])
Out[91]: nan
In [92]: np.max([float('nan'),1])
Out[92]: nan
but if you wish to ignore np.nan
s, you can use np.nanmax
In [93]: np.nanmax([1,float('nan')])
Out[93]: 1.0
In [94]: np.nanmax([float('nan'),1])
Out[94]: 1.0
I haven't seen this before, but it makes sense. Notice that nan
is a very weird object:
>>> x = float('nan')
>>> x == x
>>> x > 1
>>> x < 1
I would say that the behaviour of max
is undefined in this case -- what answer would you expect? The only sensible behaviour is to assume that the operations are antisymmetric.
Notice that you can reproduce this behaviour by making a broken class:
>>> class Broken(object):
... __le__ = __ge__ = __eq__ = __lt__ = __gt__ = __ne__ =
... lambda self, other: False
>>> x = Broken()
>>> x == x
>>> x < 1
>>> x > 1
>>> max(x, 1)
<__main__.Broken object at 0x024B5B50>
>>> max(1, x)
Max works the following way:
The first item is set as maxval and then the next is compared to this value. The comparation will always return False:
>>> float('nan') < 1
>>> float('nan') > 1
So if the first value is nan, then (since the comparation returns false) it will not be replaced upon the next step.
OTOH if 1 is the first, the same happens: but in this case, since 1 was set, it will be the maximum.
You can verify this in the python code, just look up the function min_max in Python/bltinmodule.c