Remove icon gloss effect from an Adobe Air iOS app

2019-05-06 07:31发布


How do you prevent iTunes from adding the default gloss effect when compiling an iOS app using Adobe Air? Using Adobe Flash CS6. . . .


Add the following to the InfoAdditions element in the application descriptor file:


from :


This will require you to add a boolean UIPrerenderedIcon key to the app's info.plist file and set it's value to true.

To do so, follow the steps below:

  1. Change the extension of the .ipa file produced by Flash CS6 to .zip.
  2. Unzip the file and right-click to view the app's contents, which should be located in a directory named "Payload."
  3. Locate and edit the info.plist file, adding the UIPrerenderedIcon key/value pair mentioned above.