How to launch AppWorld from an application? [Black

2019-05-05 18:09发布


This might be a easy question but i couldn't find solution. I want to open AppWorld by clicking a button in my BB application. For example when user clicks this button Appworld will show "Facebook Application" page. Can i do this?

In Android platform this line launches GooglePlay for Facebook App. Does BlackBerry supports this kind of method?

startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("market://details?id=com.facebook.katana")));


Here is a simple way to do this:


Above code will invoke the browser in the application and open the BlackBerry App World, I tested it in device and it's perfectly working. For now I put a Whats App messenger link, but you can customize the link according to your requirement.


You can open App World from your BB application directly using the following code. This code avoids opening the browser first.

Registry registry = Registry.getRegistry(this.getClass().getName());
Invocation invocation = new Invocation(null, null, 
                                       false, ContentHandler.ACTION_OPEN);
invocation.setArgs(new String[] { /* app id in appworld */ });