As you all know, Linux filenames are case-sensitive whereas Windows (NTFS) are not. For our development systems, we use a Windows 10 host and a CentOS VM in VirutalBox. One thing VirtualBox can do is map your host drive to a virtual network share inside a Linux VM in VirtualBox, so that it can access the host filesystem when needed. When it does this, however, the filenames become case-insensitive:
[webadmin@localhost images]$ ll SurveyResultsBanner.png
-rwxrwx--- 1 root vboxsf 18146 Aug 25 2015 SurveyResultsBanner.png
[webadmin@localhost images]$ ll SURVEYRESULTSBANNER.PNG
-rwxrwx--- 1 root vboxsf 18146 Aug 25 2015 SURVEYRESULTSBANNER.PNG
[webadmin@localhost images]$ ll SuRvEyReSuLtSbAnNeR.PnG
-rwxrwx--- 1 root vboxsf 18146 Aug 25 2015 SuRvEyReSuLtSbAnNeR.PnG
This case insensitivity extends to Apache as well, and it will happily serve up files in a case-insensitive manner.
This has bitten me a few times in my development environment where I accidentally include files or link to images with the wrong case. Everything looks great on Dev and then when it is pushed out it doesn't work, because the filename case differs.
Is there any way to make this "network share" be case-sensitive?