Select All checkbox in Datatables inverted operati

2019-05-05 09:29发布


This is for an open source project I created for a K12 school. Please see the following:

You will find:

  1. Server-side data fetched and embedded into a Datatable
  2. jQuery DataTables Checkboxes plugin for using checkboxes with jQuery DataTables.

The JS code:

$(document).ready(function() {
    var table = $('#students').DataTable({
        "processing": true,
        "serverSide": true,
        "ajax": 'students_list_db_sms_send.php',

        responsive: {
            details: {
                type: 'column',
                target: 'tr'
        'columnDefs': [{
            targets: 0,
            "checkboxes": {
                "selectRow": true
                targets: 1,
                className: 'details-control',
                "orderable": false,
                "data": null,
                "defaultContent": ''
        'select': {
            'style': 'multi'
        'order': [
            [2, 'asc']

    $('#students tbody').on('click', 'input[type="checkbox"]', function() {
        var tr            = $(this).closest('tr');
        var rowData       = table.row(tr).data();
        var rows_selected = table.column(0).checkboxes.selected();


        $.each(rows_selected, function(index, rowId) {
            $('#sms_names').append(' ' + rowId);


    /************************************THIS IS FROM THE FOLLOWING FIDDLE*****************************************/
    /*  */

    $('#students').on('init.dt', function() {
        $('#students thead th input[type="checkbox"]').on('click', function(e) {
            var rows_selected = table.column(0).checkboxes.selected();

            $.each(rows_selected, function(index, rowId) {
                $('#sms_names').append(' ' + rowId);

The corresponding HTML is:


<table id='students' class='display' width='100%' cellspacing='0'>
            <th>fathers name</th>

<span id="sms_names"></span>


I have enabled the first row as the checkboxes row.

  • When I click in a checkbox the rowID is printed in a <span> element. Multiple checkboxes printed as expected.

  • When I press the "Select All" checkbox, the checkboxes are all selected but nothing is printed.

  • When I toggle ("Select All" checkbox UNSELECTED) then every value is printed.

It is supposed to be the other way around. I have tried numerous variations but to no avail. Is there something I missed? Any ideas or suggestions are greatly appreciated.


The problem is in your click event handler, it fires before Checkbox plug-in has a chance to update list of selected checkboxes.

Use columns.checkboxes.selectCallback to handle select/deselect event for checkboxes.

For example:

$(document).ready(function() {
   var table = $('#example').DataTable({
      'ajax': '',
      'columnDefs': [
            'targets': 0,
            'checkboxes': {
               'selectRow': true,
               'selectCallback': function(){
      'select': {
         'style': 'multi'
      'order': [[1, 'asc']]

// Print selected rows
function printSelectedRows(){
   var rows_selected = $('#example').DataTable().column(0).checkboxes.selected();

   // Output form data to a console     

See this example for code and demonstration.