I'm trying to find a way to implement route aliases in Angular.js using ui-router
Let's say I have a state with the url article/:articleId
and I want to have /articles/some-article-title
redirected (internally) to /article/76554
without changing the browser location.
Could this be done with ui-router
I. Doubled state mapping (reuse of controller, views)
NOTE: This is original answer, showing how to solve the issue with two states. Below is another approach, reacting on the comment by Geert
There is a plunker with working example. Say we have this two objects (on a server)
var articles = [
{ID: 1, Title : 'The cool one', Content : 'The content of the cool one',},
{ID: 2, Title : 'The poor one', Content : 'The content of the poor one',},
And we would like to use URL as
// by ID
// by Title
Then we can create this state definitions:
// the detail state with ID
.state('articles.detail', {
url: "/{ID:[0-9]{1,8}}",
templateUrl: 'article.tpl.html',
resolve : {
item : function(ArticleSvc, $stateParams) {
return ArticleSvc.getById($stateParams.ID);
function ( $scope , $state , item){
$scope.article = item;
// the title state, expecting the Title to be passed
.state('articles.title', {
url: "/{Title:[0-9a-zA-Z\-]*}",
templateUrl: 'article.tpl.html',
resolve : {
item : function(ArticleSvc, $stateParams) {
return ArticleSvc.getByTitle($stateParams.Title);
function ( $scope , $state , item){
$scope.article = item;
As we can see, the trick is that the Controller and the Template (templateUrl) are the same. We just ask the Service ArticleSvc
to getById()
or getByTitle()
. Once resolved, we can work with the returned item...
The plunker with more details is here
II. Aliasing, based on native UI-Router
Note: This extension reacts on Geert appropriate comment
So, there is a UI-Router
built-in/native way for route aliasing. It is called
$urlRouterProvider - .when()
I created working plunker here. Firstly, we will need only one state defintion, but without any restrictions on ID.
.state('articles.detail', {
//url: "/{ID:[0-9]{1,8}}",
url: "/{ID}",
We also have to implement some mapper, converting title to id (the alias mapper). That would be new Article service method:
var getIdByTitle = function(title){
// some how get the ID for a Title
And now the power of $urlRouterProvider.when()
function($match, $state, ArticleSvc) {
// get the Title
var title = $match.input.split('article/')[1];
// get some promise resolving that title
// converting it into ID
var promiseId = ArticleSvc.getIdByTitle(title);
// once ID is recieved... we can go to the detail
$state.go('articles.detail', { ID: id}, {location: false});
// essential part! this will instruct UI-Router,
// that we did it... no need to resolve state anymore
return true;
That's it. This simple implementation skips error, wrong title... handling. But that is expected to be implemented anyhow... Check it here in action