i have high doubts that my question will be answered, but i'll try here since my frustration levels are so high that maybe it will help myself lower them!
So, what i want to do is:
- Install VS2012 from scratch (okey, click .exe and go!)
- Create a new MVC4 project
- Use Razor View Engine (it's the default nowadays)
This is gonna be a feature of Ext.NET 2.1, as all the requirements will be packetized in a nuGet package, the only problem is that me, as other few developers would like to use those things that already do work right now
What i've succeded doing right now:
- Following this thread i've setup web.config correctly!
- Make VS2012 to recognize the Ext.Net reference
Here's how:
- Create new project, select a Basic/Empty/Internet Application templates
- In resources of your project, add a reference to Ext.NET.dll (browse, find etc)
- Edit web.config in such way:
- Edit Views/web.config in such way:
I hope diffchecker is clear enough to let you understand, anyway the changes are the SAME in both files, they have to be so!
- Add the following line in App_Start/RouteConfig.cs
- Now i continue following the thread i've linked above
- Create controlled named "Examples" -> ExamplesController.cs, no modifications needed here
- Create the above controller's view. So Views/Examples/Index.cshtml
There i have edited the page a bit, to make it a bit more MVC-style, it's nothing big really. Entire page follows:
ViewBag.Title = "Infinite Scrolling - Ext.NET Examples";
<h1>Infinite Scrolling</h1>
<p>The brand new GridPanel supports infinite scrolling, which enables you to load any number of records into a grid without paging.</p>
<p>The GridPanel uses a new virtualized scrolling system to handle potentially infinite data sets without any impact on client side performance.</p>
<br />
.Title("Stock Price")
.Store(store => store.Add(Html.X().Store()
.Proxy(proxy => proxy.Add(Html.X().AjaxProxy()
.Reader(reader => reader.Add(Html.X().JsonReader()
.Model(model => model.Add(Html.X().Model()
.Fields(fields => {
.VerticalScroller(scroller => scroller.Add(Html.X().GridPagingScroller()))
.ColumnModel(columnModel => {
.View(view => view.Add(Html.X().GridView().TrackOver(false)))
.Listeners(listeners => {
listeners.AfterRender.Handler = "this.store.guaranteeRange(0, 99);";
listeners.AfterRender.Delay = 100;
- Then i've added another controller in order to make it work, EXACTLY as thread says
- Add DataController.cs as referred here SUBSTITUING AjaxStoreResult WITH StoreResult
DataController.cs also needs
using Ext.Net.MVC;
So here am I!
If you start your IIS Express now you can execute the page in localhost:XXXXX/Examples/
First issue i have is: the page tries to load localhost:XXXX/extjs/ libraries, that's NOT MVC-STYLE!
This is done by @Html.X().ResourceManager(), there is a way to make it connect to cdn libraries ? or even change path!??
After that probably other problems will arise, but for now i would like to resolve this small painful issue