According to the link below, I wrote a small test case. But it doesn't work. Any idea is appreciated!
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <boost/interprocess/sync/file_lock.hpp>
#include <boost/interprocess/sync/scoped_lock.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace boost::interprocess;
int main()
ofstream file_out("fileLock.txt");
file_lock f_lock("fileLock.txt");
scoped_lock<file_lock> e_lock(f_lock); // it works if I comment this out
file_out << 10;
return 0;
Running the test on Linux produces your desired output. I notice these two warnings:
The page you reference has this warning: "If you are using a std::fstream/native file handle to write to the file while using file locks on that file, don't close the file before releasing all the locks of the file."
apparently uses LockFileEx
on Windows. MSDN has this to say: "If the locking process opens the file a second time, it cannot access the specified region through this second handle until it unlocks the region."
It seems like, on Windows at least, the file lock is per-handle, not per-file. As near as I can tell, that means that your program is guaranteed to fail under Windows.
Your code appears to be susceptible to this long-standing bug on the boost trac site:
The title of that bug is "interprocess::file_lock has incorrect behavior when win32 api is enabled".
Here is a workaround to append in a file with a file locking based on Boost 1.44.
#include "boost/format.hpp"
#include "boost/interprocess/detail/os_file_functions.hpp"
namespace ip = boost::interprocess;
namespace ipc = boost::interprocess::detail;
void fileLocking_withHandle()
static const string filename = "fileLocking_withHandle.txt";
// Get file handle
boost::interprocess::file_handle_t pFile = ipc::create_or_open_file(filename.c_str(), ip::read_write);
if ((pFile == 0 || pFile == ipc::invalid_file()))
throw runtime_error(boost::str(boost::format("File Writer fail to open output file: %1%") % filename).c_str());
// Lock file
// Move writing pointer to the end of the file
ipc::set_file_pointer(pFile, 0, ip::file_end);
// Write in file
ipc::write_file(pFile, (const void*)("bla"), 3);
// Unlock file
// Close file