PHP date_format(): How to format date from string

2019-05-05 03:25发布


I have a bit of PHP code:

$exd = date_create('01 Dec, 2015');
$exd = date_format($exd, 'Y-m-d');
echo $exd;

Which is used for formatting the date. The expected output would be 2015-12-01 but it returns 2016-12-01. What am i missing?


Use createFromFormat method first, provide the input format:

$exd = DateTime::createFromFormat('d M, Y', '01 Dec, 2015');
// arguments (<format of the input>, <the input itself>)
$exd = date_format($exd, 'Y-m-d'); // then choose whatever format you like
echo $exd;


The date_create() function accepts only the parameter link, This function is also and alias function of DateTime::__construct()

check the function date_create_from_format() its also a alias function of DateTime::createFromFormat(). Refer link

$exd = date_create_from_format('j M, Y', '01 Dec, 2015');
//$exd = date_create('01 Dec, 2015');
$exd = date_format($exd, 'Y-m-d');
echo $exd;


It can be a date function call simply. Use stringtotime for exact/precise date/time value

date("Y-m-d",strtotime("01 Dec 2015"))

When you run this code the out put will show


this is because of the comma in the string which terminates the date string in the compiler. If you specify exactly the timezone (like $timezone = 'America/New_York) . parameter you can show precise time as well.


i got the solution of your bug that is date_format(datae_variable,date_format);

     $exd = date_create('01 Dec, 2015');
     $exd1 = date_format($exd,"Y-m-d");//here you make mistake
     echo $exd1;