I am working on an game that uses 5 large images that are around 900x600. When I exit the game(press the back button) and then try to launch the game, I get the following error:
12-29 15:59:16.633: E/AndroidRuntime(18642): FATAL EXCEPTION: GLThread 17
12-29 15:59:16.633: E/AndroidRuntime(18642): java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: (Heap Size=20423KB, Allocated=3473KB, Bitmap Size=77KB)
12-29 15:59:16.633: E/AndroidRuntime(18642): at org.andengine.opengl.util.GLHelper.getPixelsARGB_8888(GLHelper.java:165)
12-29 15:59:16.633: E/AndroidRuntime(18642): at org.andengine.opengl.util.GLHelper.getPixels(GLHelper.java:41)
12-29 15:59:16.633: E/AndroidRuntime(18642): at org.andengine.opengl.util.GLState.glTexImage2D(GLState.java:641)
12-29 15:59:16.633: E/AndroidRuntime(18642): at org.andengine.opengl.texture.bitmap.BitmapTexture.writeTextureToHardware(BitmapTexture.java:120)
12-29 15:59:16.633: E/AndroidRuntime(18642): at org.andengine.opengl.texture.Texture.loadToHardware(Texture.java:137)
12-29 15:59:16.633: E/AndroidRuntime(18642): at org.andengine.opengl.texture.TextureManager.updateTextures(TextureManager.java:254)
12-29 15:59:16.633: E/AndroidRuntime(18642): at org.andengine.engine.Engine.onDrawFrame(Engine.java:621)
12-29 15:59:16.633: E/AndroidRuntime(18642): at org.andengine.opengl.view.EngineRenderer.onDrawFrame(EngineRenderer.java:105)
12-29 15:59:16.633: E/AndroidRuntime(18642): at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$GLThread.guardedRun(GLSurfaceView.java:1363)
12-29 15:59:16.633: E/AndroidRuntime(18642): at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$GLThread.run(GLSurfaceView.java:1118)
This is really perplexing since I unload all the textures before the application is destroyed. I know these 5 images are causing the error because when I skipped loading them altogether, I did not get any errors. To make sure all textures were unloaded, I loaded the textures and right after unloaded them. I then exited and relaunched the game but received the same error. The textures do not have any static references either. I also used the MAT to see how much memory I was using in game and noticed that I was only using 2.5MB, so I have no idea why the error is saying "heap size = 20MB." The only way I have managed to solve the error for the time being is to include
which I know I shouldn't be using, but I am completely out of ideas.
EDIT: I made sure the textures were being unloaded. I had a button in game that would unload all the textures. When I pressed it all the textures went black which I assume unloaded the textures. The general approach I used when unloading textures was just to say
which is an andEngine method. I'm not sure what happens beyond that.
EDIT 2: I am loading the textures in a method called onCreateResources() and I unload them onDestroy(). Those are the only two places I manipulate the textures.