exactly what does NUnit do when it encounters a timeout? I used to think it would abort the test by throwing a TimeoutException, but this test proves otherwise:
[Test, Timeout(100), ExpectedException(typeof(TimeoutException))]
public static void RaisingExpectedTimeoutException()
unfortunately the nunit console only reports a violation of the timeout, but not how the test was aborted by it. is there anyone out there who knows more about how this would work? and why the above test did not raise the TimeoutException that I expected? (even though it is a .NET exception type, I figured NUnit used that Exception for timeout violations).
PS: this test method also fails:
[Test, Timeout(100), ExpectedException(typeof(ThreadAbortException))]
public static void RaisingExpectedThreadAbortException()
and this test method succeeds ("nobody expects the spanish inquisition!"):
[Test, ExpectedException(typeof(ThreadAbortException))]
public static void ThrowingExpectedThreadAbortException()