I have a table which has event-details. New records will be inserted to this table by another process continuously. The table has a column Event-end-time.
I have to design a mechanism to invoke a java method to process the events upon reaching the event end time. Some of the option i have are :
- Continuously query the database (every 1 min) and find the next latest report to be processed and invoke it on reaching the end time.
- Figure out if there is any built in mechanism in ORACLE database to send the java application a notification / Oracle itslef invoking the java method upon reaching the end time of the event.
I have seen options for notification if an record is Inserted/updated/deleted (trigger based) , but till now i have had no luck if the Notification condition to be made custom(if time specified in a column of teh record is reached).
Any advice regarding this will be much appreciated.
Regards, Deepak