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Amazon API library for Python?
I'm wanting to use the python-amazon-product-api wrapper to access the Amazon API:
Unfortunately it relies on lxml which is not supported on Google Appengine.
Does anyone know a workaround? I'm only looking to do basic stuff with the API so could I use Elementtree instead? I'm a newbie so using anything other than how it comes out of the box is still a challenge :)
You could try to use this fork.
This is a minor fork of the
python-amazon-product api located at:
That library uses lxml which is
disallowed by google app engine. This
fork replaces lxml with BeautifulSoup.
Just discovered your question. If you still want to use python-amazon-product-api on GAE, follow the instructions here:
The next release of the API (version 2.5 will be released within the next few weeks) is going to support non-lxml parsing out of the box.
As of yesterday (Feb 27 2012) lxml should be available - see here: http://googleappengine.blogspot.com/2012/02/announcing-general-availability-of.html
App Engine does support lxml: