In my nearest future I will have to make a system with C++ backend and web frontend (requirements). At the moment, I don't know much more about it. I think that Frontend will be triggering data delivery, not backend - so no need for Comet-like things.
Because of possibly little experience in this field, I'd really appreciate your comments about design decisions I made.
First of all, I don't like the option of generating HTML from C++. So, C++ backend will have to communicate with Javascript frontend. Simplest option I see here is Ajax. I think it should be ok, so far.
Commucating through Ajax with C++ backend means that backend should be capable of handling HTTP. It'd be nice to separate backend which provides actual data from HTTP handling functionality.
Here I see the place for Node.js. I got an overview of it and this's the place where all my doubts lie.
To have a HTTP handling server on Node.js, which will have the 'data backend' as a Node.js module? I think, it should be ok - but I'm not sure that I really need all this asynchronization, so there may be some simpler options I'm not aware of? How would you make such a system?
Thanks in advance.