New to R. Small rep of my df:
PTS_TeamHome <- c(101,87,94,110,95)
PTS_TeamAway <- c(95,89,105,111,121)
TeamHome <- c("LAL", "HOU", "SAS", "MIA", "LAL")
TeamAway <- c("IND", "LAL", "LAL", "HOU", "NOP")
df <- data.frame(cbind(TeamHome, TeamAway,PTS_TeamHome,PTS_TeamAway))
TeamHome TeamAway PTS_TeamHome PTS_TeamAway
LAL IND 101 95
HOU LAL 87 89
SAS LAL 94 105
MIA HOU 110 111
LAL NOP 95 121
Imagine these are the first four games of a season with 1230 games. I want to calculate the cumulative points per game (mean) at any given time for the home team and the visiting team.
The output would look like this:
1 LAL IND 101 95 101 95
2 HOU LAL 87 89 87 95
3 SAS LAL 94 105 94 98.33
4 MIA HOU 110 111 110 99
5 LAL NOP 95 121 97.5 121
Note that what the formula does for the fifth game for the home team. Since the LAL is the home team it looks for how many points has LAL scored when playing at home or on the road. In this case (101 + 89 + 105 + 95) / 4 = 97.5
Here is what I tried without much success:
lst <- list()
for(i in 1:nrow(df)) lst[[i]] <- ( cumsum(df[which(df$TEAM1[1:i]==df$TEAM1[i]),df$PTS_TeamAway,0])
+ cumsum(df[which(df$TEAM2[1:i]==df$TEAM1[i]),df$PTS_TeamHome,0]) )
/ #divided by number of games
df$HOMETEAM_AVGCUMPTS <- unlist(lst)
I wanted to calculate the cumulative PTS and then the number of games to divide it by but none of this worked.
lst <- list()
for(i in 1:nrow(df)) lst[[i]] <- mean(c(df$PTS_TeamHome[1:i][df$TeamHome[1:i] == df$TeamHome[i]],
df$PTS_TeamAway[1:i][df$TeamAway[1:i] == df$TeamHome[i]]))
df$HOMETEAM_AVGCUMPTS <- unlist(lst)
lst2 <- list()
for(i in 1:nrow(df)) lst2[[i]] <- mean(c(df$PTS_TeamAway[1:i][df$TeamAway[1:i] == df$TeamAway[i]],
df$PTS_TeamHome[1:i][df$TeamHome[1:i] == df$TeamAway[i]]))
df$ROADTEAM_AVGCUMPTS <- unlist(lst2)
# 1 LAL IND 101 95 101 95
# 2 HOU LAL 87 89 87 95
# 3 SAS LAL 94 105 94 98.33333
# 4 MIA HOU 110 111 110 99
# 5 LAL NOP 95 121 97.5 121
The approach is divided into two loops. We are taking the mean of two vectors. They are combined with a mean(c(vec1,vec2))
The first vector is the set of points scored while the home team was at home (team in col1, pts in col3), the second vector is the set of points scored by the home team while they were away (team in col2, pts in col4). We use the for loop as it allows us to easily control how many rows are being considered in the subset. With df$PTS_TeamHome[1:i]
, the set is limited to the games that were played in the past and the current game. We subset that vector with [df$TeamHome[1:i] == df$TeamHome[i]]
. In plain language that expression is "Teams in the "TeamHome category up to the current game that are equal to the Home team currently playing". With those parameters we will not allow "future" games to corrupt the analysis.
For the data, I set the stringsAsFactors
argument to FALSE
. And converted the points columns to class numeric
. See below.
PTS_TeamHome <- c(101,87,94,110,95)
PTS_TeamAway <- c(95,89,105,111,121)
TeamHome <- c("LAL", "HOU", "SAS", "MIA", "LAL")
TeamAway <- c("IND", "LAL", "LAL", "HOU", "NOP")
df <- data.frame(cbind(TeamHome, TeamAway,PTS_TeamHome,PTS_TeamAway), stringsAsFactors=F)
df[3:4] <- lapply(df[3:4], function(x) as.numeric(x))
I would argue that you should restructure your data in a tidier format with two rows per game: one row for the visiting team and one row for the home team. It is much easier to work with data that is in a tidy/long format.
df %>%
mutate(game = row_number()) %>%
gather(location, team, TeamHome, TeamAway) %>%
gather(location2, points, PTS_TeamHome, PTS_TeamAway) %>%
(location == "TeamHome" & location2 == "PTS_TeamHome") |
(location == "TeamAway" & location2 == "PTS_TeamAway")
) %>%
select(-location2) %>%
arrange(game) %>%
group_by(team) %>%
mutate(run_mean_points = cummean(points))
# note that cbind() is removed.
df <- data.frame(TeamHome, TeamAway,PTS_TeamHome,PTS_TeamAway, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Source: local data frame [10 x 5]
Groups: team
game location team points run_mean_points
1 1 TeamHome LAL 101 101.00000
2 1 TeamAway IND 95 95.00000
3 2 TeamHome HOU 87 87.00000
4 2 TeamAway LAL 89 95.00000
5 3 TeamHome SAS 94 94.00000
6 3 TeamAway LAL 105 98.33333
7 4 TeamHome MIA 110 110.00000
8 4 TeamAway HOU 111 99.00000
9 5 TeamHome LAL 95 97.50000
10 5 TeamAway NOP 121 121.00000
Here's a short loop version which will only over each unique team name once (instead of every single row twice). The idea here is to preallocate a matrix with the desired size and then run a short for
loop over the unique team names while filling the correct entries within the matrix. We are creating both the matrix and a temporary data set in a transposed form so the values will be filled row wise instead of column wise (Rs default) because the game sequence is row wise
## Transpose the data once
tempdf <- t(df)
## Create transposed matrix with future column names
mat <- matrix(NA, 2, nrow(df))
## Create a vector of unique team names
indx <- as.character(unique(unlist(df[1:2])))
## Run the loop only over the unique team names
for (i in indx) {
indx2 <- tempdf[1:2, ] == i
temp <- tempdf[3:4, ][indx2]
mat[indx2] <- cumsum(temp)/seq_along(temp)
## Combine result with the original data
cbind(df, t(mat))
# 1 LAL IND 101 95 101.0 95.00000
# 2 HOU LAL 87 89 87.0 95.00000
# 3 SAS LAL 94 105 94.0 98.33333
# 4 MIA HOU 110 111 110.0 99.00000
# 5 LAL NOP 95 121 97.5 121.00000
Transpose. Here's one way, riffing on the loop in @DavidArenburg's answer:
sv <- t(df[3:4])
tv <- t(df[1:2])
df[c("homeavg","awayavg")] <- t(ave(sv,tv,FUN=cummean))
comes from library(dplyr)
; you can switch it out for the base R analog if desired; and similarly for the column names.
Or interleave. All the transposition above is hard to follow. Instead you could interleave the vectors, using Arun's approach:
interleave <- function(a,b) c(a,b)[order(c(seq_along(a), seq_along(b)))]
unleave <- function(x) split(x,1:2)
sv2 <- interleave(df$PTS_TeamHome,df$PTS_TeamAway)
tv2 <- interleave(df$TeamHome,df$TeamAway)
df[c("homeavg","awayavg")] <- unleave(ave(sv2,tv2,FUN=cummean))