Application for gae does not deploy

2019-05-04 17:22发布


I don't remember going through the process of finding a unique Application name. If that is the problem (that the name I chose was not new) can someone remind me how to start that process unless the ERROR message below is suggesting some other problem.

I am pretty sure I have not uploaded this application before, so maybe "update" is not appropriate. I clicked the "Deploy" button on my SDK window to start this process, btw.

*** Running with the following flags:
    --no_cookies --passin update
Application: youpoll; version: 1

Starting update of app: xxxxxxx, version: 1
Getting current resource limits.
2012-07-09 17:50:44,915 ERROR An error occurred processing file '': HTTP Error 403: Forbidden. Aborting. 
Error 403: --- begin server output ---
You do not have permission to modify this app (app_id=u'xxxxxxx').
--- end server output ---
Password for If deploy fails you might need to 'rollback' manually.
The "Make Symlinks..." menu option can help with command-line work.
*** has finished with exit code 1 ***


The unique application name is selected when you create a new project on the appengine website. If you have not done that yet, go do find your application name/create your account. Also, make sure you are signed into google in Eclipse. It should say your google account name at the bottom left corner.


I removed ~/.appcfg_oauth2_tokens_java and it solved my problem. Also, it's worth check out this link


Follow the instructions in the "Registering Your Application" section in the Getting Started guide for Java or Python.