I have the following problem: MFC is disabling my toolbar (a CToolbar) controls if I don't have a message map entry for it's corresponding message (let's say ID_MYBUTTON1). Is there a way around this? I had the same problems with the menu but I found that you could disable the auto disabling by setting CFrameWnd::m_bAutoMenuEnable to false but I cannot find a similar member for CToolbar.
I guess I could add handlers redirecting to an empty function but it would be nice if I could just stop this behavior without using "tricks".
Add a ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI handler for each of the controls in your toolbar. Something like this:
void myToolBar::uiButtonHandler(CCmdUI* pCmdUI)
pCmdUI->Enable(TRUE); // Or whatever logic you want.
For details read the appropriate section in the MSDN.
Well like I said in reply to zdan's answer I found a way. Just override the OnUpdateCmdUI function in CToolBar like this
class MyToolBar : public CToolBar
virtual void OnUpdateCmdUI(CFrameWnd* pTarget, BOOL bDisableIfNoHndler)
{ return CToolBar::OnUpdateCmdUI(pTarget, FALSE);}
the bDisableIfNoHndler flag is the one responsible for telling the toolbar to disable buttons if no handlers is found so I just force it to FALSE.
Though now I'm having another problem. The toolbar seem fines but it do not send the commands when I press a button. I'm not sure why because if I access the same commands from the menu it works fine. I'll try to see if this is related.
Thanks for your helps.
Update: Found my problem. Basically the problem was that my handlers to my commands were in MyFrame::PreTranslateMessage (after doing like suggested in this question's answer : How to redirect MFC messages to another object?) but the commands were not sent through this function (though when accessed from the menu they did). They were sent through MyFrame::OnCommand though so I just changed the code from PreTranslateMessage to OnCommand and now everything works fine. I don't know MFC enough to know why this was the case but now everything seems to works so thanks for the help everyone.