I have a web app and an API inside a raspberry PI. The web app uses HTTP GET requisitions to the API to display its content
Now, inside the web app component.ts:
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
results = {};
constructor(private http: HttpClient) {}
ngOnInit(): void {
var url = 'http://localhost:8000/api/';
var endpoint = 'test/';
this.http.get(url + endpoint).subscribe(data => {
this.results = data['test'];
This works when I open the web app on a browser INSIDE the raspberry. However, when opening the web app from another device using the raspberry's IP and the port the app is running, I can't get the data from the API.
I assume it's because of the 'localhost', and once this rasp CANNOT BE SET WITH A STATIC IP I'd like to retrieve its local IP, to make something like:
ngOnInit(): void {
var ip = <some code <-- HELP>
var url = 'http://' + ip + ':8000/api/';
var endpoint = 'test/';
this.http.get(url + endpoint).subscribe(data => {
this.results = data['test'];
And I've tested, if I put the IP manually in the code it works, though it was just for test, I don't want to input it manually.