Rounding to 2 decimal places using MongoDB aggrega

2019-01-09 06:30发布


I am using the mongodb aggregation framework and doing some calculations as shown below

{ $group :
 { _id : {Region:"$RegionTxt",Mth:"$Month"},           
{ $project : 
   ActToPln:{$cond:[{ $ne: ["$PlnSls", 0] },{$multiply:[{$divide: ['$ActSls', '$PlnSls']},100]},0]}



I am trying to figure out what is the best and easiest way to round my results to 2 decimal places. Following is my result

    "result" : [
                    "_id" : {
                            "Region" : "East",
                            "Mth" : 201301
                    "ActSls" : 72,
                    "PlnSls" : 102,
                    "ActToPln" : 70.58823529411765
    "ok" : 1


I want "ActToPln" to show 70.59 instead of "ActToPln" : 70.58823529411765, in the results from aggegation framework itself. I want to avoid doing the rounding in my application

Can you please help with the same.

Following is the dataset i used.

    "_id" : ObjectId("51d67ef69557c507cb172572"),
    "RegionTxt" : "East",
    "Month" : 201301,
    "Date" : "2013-01-01",
    "ActSls" : 31,
    "PlnSls" : 51
    "_id" : ObjectId("51d67ef69557c507cb172573"),
    "RegionTxt" : "East",
    "Month" : 201301,
    "Date" : "2013-01-02",
    "ActSls" : 41,
    "PlnSls" : 51

Thanks in advance. Nandu


There is no $round operator but you can do this in the aggregation framework - doing it in specific order will usually avoid floating point precision issues.

> db.a.aggregate([{$project:{ _id:0, 
                      {$mod:[{$multiply:['$x',100]}, 1]}
{ "y" : 1.23 }
{ "y" : 9.87 }

Given the existing pipeline in the problem, replace:

{$multiply:[{$divide: ['$ActSls', '$PlnSls']},100]}


             {$divide: ['$ActSls','$PlnSls']},
             {$multiply:[{$divide: ['$ActSls','$PlnSls']}, 10000 ]},

With your sample data points this is the result:

{ "ActSls" : 31, "PlnSls" : 51, "ActToPln" : 60.78 }
{ "ActSls" : 41, "PlnSls" : 51, "ActToPln" : 80.39 }
{ "ActSls" : 72, "PlnSls" : 102, "ActToPln" : 70.58 }


mongo-round works nice. The most clean way I have found.

Say the number is 3.3333333

var round = require('mongo-round');

    { $project: {
        roundAmount: round('$amount', 2)  // it will become 3.33
    } }


There is no round operator in current version of Aggregation Framework. You can try this snippet:

> db.a.aggregate([{$project:{y:{$subtract:['$x',{$mod:['$x', 0.01]}]}}}])
    "result" : [
            "_id" : ObjectId("51d72eab32549f94da161448"),
            "y" : 1.23
            "_id" : ObjectId("51d72ebe32549f94da161449"),
            "y" : 9.870000000000001
    "ok" : 1

but as you see, this solution doesn't works well because of precision problems. The easiest way in this case is to follow @wiredprairie's advice and make rounds in you application.


This solution correctly rounds up or down to 2dp:

"rounded" : {
    {$mod:[{$add:['$absolute',0.0049999999999999999]}, 0.01]}

For example it rounds 1.2499 upwards to 1.25, but 1.2501 downwards to 1.25.


  1. This solution is based on the examples given at
  2. It resolves the problem in Asya Kamsky's answer, that it only truncates and does not round up/down correctly; even after the change suggested in the comments.
  3. The number of trailing 9s in the addition factor is large, to accommodate high-precision input numbers. Depending on the precision of the numbers to be rounded, the addition factor may need to be made even more precise than this.


I don't know why, but all the answers (at this page) give me 12.34 for 12.345. So I wrote my own project stage:

x = 12.345

{'$project': {
    y: {'$divide': [{'$trunc': {'$add': [{'$multiply': ['$x', 100]}, 0.5]}}, 100]},

It gives 12.35.

Here is simple arithmetic, no tricks:

  1. 12.345 * 100 = 1234.5 # This step gets us to rounding position: 100 = 10^2 (two signs after dot). Step will be balanced back by step 4.
  2. 1234.5 + 0.5 = 1235.0 # Here I get my round half up
  3. truncate(1235.0) = 1235 # Simply drops fractional part
  4. 1235 / 100 = 12.35

However, it doesn't work correctly for negatives (that was enough for my aggregation). For both (positive and negative) cases you should use it with abs:

{'$project': {
    z: {'$multiply': [
        {'$divide': ['$x', {'$abs': '$x'}]}, 
        {'$divide': [{'$trunc': {'$add': [{'$multiply': [{'$abs': '$x'}, 100]}, 0.5]}}, 100]}

Here I get number's sign, wrap original number by abs and then multiply sign by rounding output.


rounded:{'$multiply': [{ "$cond": [{ "$gte": [ "$x", 0 ] }, 1,-1 ]},{'$divide': [{'$trunc': {'$add': [{'$multiply': [{'$abs': '$x'}, {$pow:[10,2]}]}, 0.5]}}, {$pow:[10,2]}]}]}

egvo's solution is cool but gives division by zero if it is zero. To avoid $cond may be used to detect sign

(Replace x with field_name and number 2 with desired decimal number)


            {$cond: { if: { $gte: [ {$mod:[{$multiply:['$dollarAmount',100]}, 1]}, 0.5 ] }, then: {$add: [{$subtract:[
                  {$mod:[{$multiply:['$dollarAmount',100]}, 1]}
                ,1]}, else: {$subtract:[
                  {$mod:[{$multiply:['$dollarAmount',100]}, 1]}
          ]} }}

hopefully these one could help in rounding off.


Let me say that it's shame MongoDB is missing this function. I'm hopping they will add it soon.

However, I came up with a lengthy aggregation pipeline. Admitting, it may not be efficient but it honors rules of rounding.

    $project: {
        _id: 0,
        number: {
            $let: {
                vars: {
                    factor: {
                        $pow: [10, 3]
                in: {
                    $let: {
                        vars: {
                            num: {$multiply: ["$$factor", "$number"]},
                        in: {
                            $switch: {
                                branches: [
                                    {case: {$gte: ["$$num", {$add: [{$floor: "$$num"}, 0.5]}]}, then: {$divide:[ {$add: [{$floor: "$$num"}, 1.0]},"$$factor"]}},
                                    {case: {$lt: ["$$num", {$add: [{$floor: "$$num"}, 0.5]}]}, then: {$divide:[{$floor: "$$num"}, "$$factor"]}}                                    

Let's assume, I have following documents in my collection named t

{ number" : 2.341567 }
{ number" : 2.0012 }
{ number" : 2.0012223 }

After running above queries, I got:

{ "number" : 2.342 }
{ "number" : 2.001 }
{ "number" : 2.001 }